Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Tits On A Boar, I Tell Ya...

Democrats Turn Belly-up Again!

You know, this about says it for me. I have been unable to understand why a nation with as large a workforce as the United States doesn't have a laborite/social political party. If we expect rich white men to fight for the rights of the working class, we have been successfully duped!--Pete

This is a comment on the outcome of the "compromise" in the Senate over judicial nominations. C. Clark Kissinger is one of the initiators of the Not In Our Name Statement of Conscience who, along with Joan Bokaer (Founder of Theocracy and others, called for people to protest the threatened "nuclear option":

"After all the bluster and shadow boxing was over, President Bush got his way. Under the terms of a "compromise," three of Bush's worst nominees will be voted on and they will likely be confirmed. And what did the Democrats get in return? They got to keep the right to filibuster, provided they promise not to use it!

"That's right. The Democrats got nothing. And what will happen when even more disgusting candidates are brought up as nominees for the Supreme Court? The Republicans will simply roll out the threat of the "nuclear option" once again, since nothing in the so-called "compromise" prohibits them from doing that.

"Once again this demonstrates the need for a mass popular movement of resistance. Without the kind of mass upsurge that we witnessed in the 1960s, there is nothing that will prevent the current threatening dynamic from continuing. This is why we called on people to go to Washington, and make their presence felt in the streets. The world can't wait any longer. We need to be about the business of driving the Bush regime from power."

C. Clark Kissinger

1 comment:

  1. Well, thanks for the traffic, Dad! I'll need to bring the level up if I wanna whore myself out to some advertisers, though...

    Thanks again!
