Herein was set into motion the Eristic Pattern, which would repeat Itself Five times over Seventy-Three times, after which nothing would happen. Hail Eris!
why is it when military die in battle they recieve the respect of the counrty? when a civilian is killed in battle they are disrespected? Is this what we have become in our counry? why even care anymore. you find yourself in a firefight, you rely on others to cover your back. there was no one there to cover their backs. shame on the 1173rd virginia national gaurd. cowards and murders
why is it when military die in battle they recieve the respect of the counrty? when a civilian is killed in battle they are disrespected? Is this what we have become in our counry? why even care anymore. you find yourself in a firefight, you rely on others to cover your back. there was no one there to cover their backs. shame on the 1173rd virginia national gaurd. cowards and murders