Tuesday, January 30, 2007

10 Reasons To Debate User-Generated Content

10. It can be a cover for "attack PR" agencies.

9. Does it appeal inevitably to "lowest common denominator" media?

8. Does the above question really matter?

7. The readers who "strike back" may be spambots.

6. It all ends up being sampled by a U2 film clip, anyway.

5. Become too successful and Elevation Partners will stage a VC buyout.

4. Dave Sifry has projections of blogger uptake . . . but how do we judge quality?

3. It triggers lawsuits such as 20th Century Fox's against YouTube.

2. Our MySpace.com page is more fun.

1. 23 Skidoo vs. TheRealMcCain.com VJ remix.

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