Thursday, July 28, 2005

Fuck the Patriot Act!

"..I would like to convey the message that our system works. We did not need to use a secret military tribunal, or detain the defendant indefinitely as an enemy combatant, or deny him the right to counsel, or invoke any proceedings beyond those guaranteed by or contrary to the United States Constitution. ...We can deal with the threats to our national security without denying the accused fundamental constitutional protections. ..."

-- U.S. Western District Judge John Coughenour, while sentencing 'Millennium Bomber', Ahmed Ressam.

"With 60 Terror Plots foiled in the past 10 years, and pretty much none foiled due to the DHS and Patriot Act, it has to be asked: Why isn't regular law enforcement and all the rest enough?" (MetaFilter)

Evan Derkacz is a New York-based writer and contributor to AlterNet.

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