Friday, August 17, 2007

Good Riddance!

Karl Rove - media manipulator, political dirty-trickster, rat-fink bastard - please don't come back. We won't miss you.

Some of us are painfully aware of the fact that you've built a home in the Florida panhandle - The Republican Riviera - and that Jeb Bush will be 59 soon. Please take stock of the damage you've done to the republic thus far, and reconsider dressing up this turkey for the consumption of the living room sheep. They'll buy anything the consensus manufacturing machine tells them to (but you know that).

Perhaps your Machiavellian egoism prevents you from truly viewing your machinations objectively and historically, but you must have some sense of shame, do you not - some sense that all you've accomplished has been done in the most divisive, underhanded fashion. I honestly don't know how you can sleep.

Don't take the fawning adulation and revisionist history of the corporate media to heart. They've always been your bitches. Your legacy will be as tarnished as your soul.

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