Wealthy friends of the rogue Bush/Cheney administration need not serve their just sentences. Take that, you pot-smoking, liberal activist judge (Waddaya mean he was appointed by a Republican?)!
It has often been said that ours is a nation constituted of laws, not of men. That one man should be able to override the sentence meted out by an impartial judge and jury to a flagrant transgressor of the law puts the lie to that proclamation. Apparently our rogue president believes those very same laws are subject to his approval, should he deem them to be applied in an "excessive" manner, by a Republican-appointed judge (Doesn't he know what's expected of him?). Under creeping totalitarianism, there is no law for the wealthy and powerful, there is only Bush, the unitary executive officer who can always fix your parking tickets or obstructions of justice.
Of course, justice would be best served by a Bush resignation, with the miraculous (for Bush) realization that the nation should come before undeserved privilege, but that's not going to happen. Bush isn't as politically astute or patriotic as was Nixon, nor is he even remotely contrite for his callous disregard for the law. While this commutation, combined with the national wreckage of the last 6 years, is well and above the standard for impeachment of the top administration officials (no President Cheney, please), there will probably again be no constructive move in that direction. We The People have no true representatives in government, save for a few good men who can be counted on the fingers of one hand (not enough for a majority vote). The Impeach Cheney movement is almost cute, but it gives us hope that there is a sense of justice alive in the corporate brothel that is Congress. Bush will have no choice but to leave by the back door if it ever truly gains enough steam to roll his VP (formerly of the executive branch) out of office. We can only hope.--Pete
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