Friday, November 03, 2006

Hypocrisy Update: Another Gay Christian/Republican/Neo-Con

From Alternet

Oh, this is rich:

The Rev. Ted Haggard, who resigned as one of the nation's top evangelical leaders, admitted Friday he had contacted male prostitute Mike Jones for a massage and bought drugs from him.

Haggard said he never had sex with Jones and never used the methamphetamine drug he bought.

He did not name the hotel. "I did call him," Haggard said. "I called him to buy some meth, but I threw it away."

Haggard spoke to the Denver TV station from inside a car, with his wife, Gayle, in the passenger seat.

"I was buying it for me, but I never used it. I was tempted. ...

"He told me about it. I went there for a massage."

Yeah, that's the ticket. The hooker just gave me a massage. I bought the meth, but didn't use it. I didn't inhale!

The sad thing is that Haggard's followers will probably buy all that. After all, they throw millions of dollars at these "spiritual leaders" who are transparent con-men of the worst sort. They support Republicans who pay them lip service but ignore them until the next election rolls around. 'It's all political,' they're saying to themselves now -- part of the Grand Liberal Conspiracy® to tear down people of faith.

Eh, there's one born every minute.

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