Tuesday, July 12, 2005

False Flag Over London

The first signs that 7/7 was a false flag op like 9/11 were already apparent on the day. It was a classic train bombing in the tradition of "NATO's Secret Army" - covert ops assets like the "Red Brigades" and Madrid patsies.


It was 2001 all over again: a year into his term, Bush and his poll ratings had sunk to historic lows, even lower this time under the weight of scandals and rumblings of impeachment. Blair too was hurt badly by the Downing Street memo. Then out of the blue, salvation struck the pair. Today, 7/7, saw a classic false-flag attack hit London, a simple set-up by western secret services to distract from the deepening woes of Bush and Blair, and perhaps to create the pretext for the next round of wars on Iran.

The G-8 conference was the ideal, high-profile venue to muster the maudling sympathy of world leaders behind the flagging amateur B&B show. Today’s Guy Fawkeses, home-team self-terrorists in the heart of empire, thumbed their noses with a sneer at us mortal fools, and blithely played their favorite base-eleven numerology game, on this 7/7 date - following on the heels of Madrid 3/11 and New York 9/11, with its signature Flights 11 and 77.

Cui bono. Wall Street closed on an uptick.

Conspiracy theory, you say? How can I be so sure? The war-profiteer clique are not all that inventive. False terror is the only trick they know. If they had any idea of governance or statecraft, they wouldn't need to stoop to these toxic tactics.

One classic trademark of false-flag terror on display today was the "previously unknown" organization posting anonymously on a website. Of course, western intelligence, with Echelon and all that surveillance paraphernalia, can track any webposting back to its source. When it wants to - but what need is there for the source to track itself.

"Real" terrorists are known groups that make concrete demands. They are an endangered species, if not extinct in the wild, but for a few rare specimens nurtured in the zoos of the psy-op netherworld.

Fake terrorists - covert psy-war units of western intelligence - always invent a name of an "unknown" group. They have to do this, of course. If they claimed, say, that the PLO did it, the accused would energetically deny it, spoiling the show. So they use fictitious identities, which they can mold to suit the target of convenience.

Today’s fiction was a "secret" group affiliated - oh how wonderfully convenient - with Al Qaeda and Al Zarqawi. Yet the state-owned BBC itself found that Al Qaeda does not even exist, in its documentary film, "The Terror Myth." And just yesterday, Dahr Jamail wrote of his trip to the town of Zarqa, on the trail of the fabled Zarqawi. The man's family believe he died years ago, and no recent photos exist. Certain is only that the mythical Zarqawi’s base of operations always pops up wherever the Americans want to attack. Fallujah, Samarra, who do you want to bomb tomorrow?

Some other dead giveaway signs:
- Scotland Yard warned Mr. Netanyahu half an hour beforehand not to go to the bomb site, according to an AP wire from Jerusalem (a slip that was subsequently denied of course, but it was still up at the website of the Canada National Post earlier today).

- An MSNBC translator says an error in a verse from the Quran cited by the "unknown" group couldn't have been made by Al Qaeda, and he thinks it's phony.. Blair's proofreaders are falling down on their dossiers again... the bunglers ought to be belted, or suspended.

- Train bombings like London 7/7and Madrid 3/11 are a speciality of NATO psy-war units. The expert on this since 1978 has been Webster Tarpley, who shows in his latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, how the bombing of Bologna Stazione Centrale in 1980 by the “Red Brigades” is of one cloth with the Madrid bombings. The so-called "communist terrorist" Red Brigades were phonies, a patsy outfit created by Lodge P2, the neofascist shadow government that holds Italy in its grip. The Madrid train bombing suspects were police agents, also run by a neo-fascist falange: as Tarpley notes, one suspect admitted he worked for the old guard, la Guardia Civil, Unidad Central Operativa.

Like Madrid, London suffered relatively low-tech destruction, plausibly in reach of small-time terrorists, except for the wide scope and coordination of the operations. Did the ambitious scale of the WTC destruction involve too many embarrassments, with its indisputable physical evidence of controlled demolition? I am not so optimistic to rule out another mega-hit. This was well-calibrated. A booster shot was enough to tank up the War of Terror today.

Another possible motive, Tarpley says, is the war party’s urge to push Bush into Iran, though America has no stomach for it. They need another 9/11 to send our boys to occupy the oil fields of both Iraq and Iran, and hold the world, all of us, to ransom.

Yeah, there shall be wars, and rumours of wars. Reports of covert American commando operations against targets inside Iran prepared the ground for invasion. The provocations aroused a storm of anti-American sentiment, sweeping the elections against the reformers for radical dark horse candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, thus helping pave the way to mobilize a war coalition against Iran. Failing that, he may replace Saddam as symbol of vilification while keeping Iran shackled by backward fundamentalism. Tarpley has a chapter named "Islamic Fundamentalism: Fostered by U. S. Foreign Policy." It goes back to the 19th century British Arab Bureau, crown purveyors of divide and conquer schemes, who hit on xenophobic fundamentalism as the ploy to make the Arabs impossible partners for alliances with any of Britain's rivals.

"Poster boy" bin Laden is a product of this. Alternative writers in the West are quick to see the demagogic effect his image has on militarizing Western publics. Few of them realize the profoundly cynical obverse of the covert strategy: feeding the Arabs on the poison pills of false hopes in a terrorist hero.

Yet Arab admiration for Osama has remained platonic. Anthropologists long ago noted the Arab tendency to vent feelings in words rather than action. Many Muslims felt bound to fight in Afghanistan against the atheist Soviet occupier, but the BBC’s Terror Myth documentary recounts how Bin Laden and Zawahiri utterly failed to mobilize real Arabs to the way of terrorism against innocent citizens abroad. Tarpley adduces evidence that Zawahiri is likely bin Laden's handler from MI-6. Enter now the shadowy world of alphabet agencies and their covert clients, the patsies and moles, who live a tunnel life, like the trains of London they fed on this time.

O lovers of peace and opponents of war: never shall you see an end of calamities instigated by the war party, until the people see through the false flag trick. It is not in marching that wars may be stopped, but by seeing and seizing the strings from the puppetmaster.

A book with a depth of historical background to this picture is The Nazi Hydra in America, currently online. It recounts how the 1933 Reichstag fire, that most infamous false-flag op which catapulted the Bush-Harriman protégé, little Adolf Hitler to power, was followed in 1934 by an attempted military putsch against FDR, launched by the Morgan interests - an episode that has been expunged from all schoolbooks. Yet if it had succeeded, with America and Germany both under Nazi control, the New World Fascist Order would have come into being already 70 years ago.

They do not give up. They have time, money, and no project more captivating. They have been preparing the final putsch for a century or more.

They were not defeated in 1945. The postwar CIA and NSA are their resurgent Phoenix, born from the ashes of Nazi assets. The enemy is within the gates.

Read, understand, and realize how bitter and lasting is the struggle against the corporatist hydra, which now lets show the true features behind that leering smiley face, as it grasps again for absolute world power.

With the same old trick.

What fools these mortals be.

For giving out the lowdown about the London underground, I was roundly rebuked today, accused of disgracing the dead. Yet I was the one speaking out to avenge their honor, and protect their memory from the blood stain of abuse by the vultures of war. Unheeding, the shocked sheeple flock to march in ever tighter lockstep for their Fodderland, with each new Reichstags Firemeisterwerk casting a stronger spell. If I'm the only one who can smell the smoke of a parliament in flames, there will be no stopping the intoxicated herd of rhinoceri now. Carry on, madding crowd, with your tyranny of the majority, stampeding to a fascist state à la 1933. As for us few dissidents, we better make our peace with our Maker. Or hope that after wallowing at will in the ritual reflex to masochistic sentimentality they hold sacred, our fellows may be readier for reason later. To be kind, it’s because they are nice people that they can’t believe “their own” are capable of such evil. Yet their haste to stick up for the culprits and heap abuse on a warner proves the adage that people get the government they deserve. And do they show sanctimonious sorrow each day innocent Iraqis are killed by their countrymen? No, for the most part. Hard words must be said. Too many of these are hypocritical tears, streaming down one-sided faces. But is that too unkind? Terror is meant to shock people, and they deal with the emotions as they can. Facing the awful fact of self-terror is a shock in its own right – is this too much at once at this stage, rubbing salt in their wounds? But if they cannot learn now, when their attention is focused on the latest atrocity, when will be the right time?

- John Leonard was editor and co-author of The War on Freedom 2002, the first exposé of 9/11 published in the United States.

Posted: Sunday July 10, 2005 09:08 AM

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